Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Let's Play Catch Up!

Yes, I know I have been MIA lately! IM SORRY!

It's that time of the year and things are so hectic!
Work has been picking up which means a lot less down time. It's great for my checking account, but not my social life and sanity... LOL!

Here's a little update on the projects I've been working on.

...is just about finished! I have just about everything I need to put the planner together. Only thing I'm missing is printer ink. I went to print everything out last night and wouldn't you know the black ink was out. Go Figure! So, I'm going tonight to get a new black and color cartridge and get this sucker printed out and ready to go. Once it's all put together and finished, pictures will soon follow!

...is coming along. This project has taken me longer than I had hoped it would. With being busy with work recently, it seems as though I have been working on all the nice days out and been off on the rainy ones. So, as soon as this rainy weather breaks I will get back outside and do some spraying. Pictures will be coming soon for this project too!

...is a work in progress. This book is coming along nicely. I am so excited for it to be finished. I will be sure to take some pictures of what I have done so far and share them with you!


So, that's what I've been working on and here's what's coming up!

Thanksgiving is only TWO days away! YIKES! I'm so not ready. LOL!
My friends and I always get together to celebrate Christmas and New Years, but never Thanksgiving. We have decided to change that this year. On Saturday, I'm getting together with some of my closest friends to have (what we hope to become and annual thing) our first "Friendly Thanksgiving." My friend Amanda and I are hosting the dinner and we expect it to be nothing short of DELISH! We will have all the traditional Thanksgiving foods - turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green been casserole, cranberries, rolls, and more. We will be sure to take tons of pictures and share the fun & festivities with you!

This Sunday is the much anticipated first meeting of the Ravens & Steelers! Guess who's going to the game? That's right - ME! :o) It is sure to be an exciting game for everyone and I am so looking forward to it! Amanda and I are going to the game along with my sister and a few other people. Again, we will be sure to share the good times!

So, BIG NEWS! Amanda & Jeremy (her boyfriend) just bought their first house! How exciting is that! I don't know who's more excited - them or me! Okay, it's probably them! :o)

Anyways, the next few weeks will be getting ready for the big move! From paint to hardwood floors to moving trucks - it's going to be an adventure. Stay tuned to Amanda's blog for all the painting, decorating, and other fun home things yet to come!


Well, I think that's about all for now. Stay tuned for all the updates to come!


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